Deep Looking — Testimonials
— I’ve read about and heard Ilona on audio using what she calls deep looking some time ago and more importantly for the sake of this comment started playing around with it myself then. What’s been noticed over the months is that it’s been spreading like a soft wildfire in my system. It shows up daily, hourly even, and brings me these small spontaneous openings that sometimes surprises me in the most beautiful ways and brings me to tears. Doing the session with Ilona was like being handheld through it and amping up the focus and intensity for a longer period. I felt like I then couldn’t really communicate or even knew what was going on for me at all but it was all fine, I felt trust for her and what we shared. I can say that for me I’ve noticed that more in hindsight both doing this without and together with Ilona sometimes it takes some time to even notice what happened. Just like planting a seed, giving it water and everything it needs in one moment it sometimes takes a little bit of time for it to grow and express itself.
— After ten years of shadow work and inquiry, I thought I was pretty much ‘done.’ Ha! Your clarity, realness, and rigor had me see truth, and for that I’m eternally grateful.
— My sessions with Ilona were eye-opening to say the least. Ilona points to the depth in the simplicity of life. She was a wonderful guide with simple yet deeply profound questions that had a dramatic shift on my way of looking at life. The Deep Looking that Ilona shares is a beautiful ‘unpacking’ system that I continue to experience weeks after our sessions. There is a timeless quality to the sessions with Ilona that no matter how long one has been on the spiritual path, no matter how many books on spiritual subjects one has read.. these teachings are simple, yet explosive in their effect on the mind. A new way to live life. I am grateful I found Ilona and signed up for sessions with her.
— Ilona is a beautiful angel that sits with me with an open heart, vast as the mountains. She holds space in which I can be free to bring up anything, whic h she helps me meet with love, respect and gratitude. Her tenderness is disarming and helps me to surrender my imagined self into the abyss of the Eternal Now. It is always a joy to come to the next deep looking session, knowing that Ilona’s wisdom and sharp pointers will guide me to new discoveries. Much love and gratitude to you
— I have listened to our session again and even transcribed a couple of interactions. Very useful. I notice that whenever upset arises, I often stay with it. .. and through this welcoming, it loses its charge. I feel freer and more comfortable with discernment, seeing it is different from judgement.. Thanks for the tip. In general, I feel more relaxed, remembering that I’m the space where all is allowed. Sometimes I ask the mind and heart if they are at peace. . . it is interesting getting the answer and going deeper if needed. When the mind is agitated I remind it that silence is its natural state; very helpful. I also have asked an emotion “what do you want me to know” or something like this. About the conditioning, about Angie and “the face/body” . . . it still comes sometimes, other times it is not existent. Our session was very valuable. I don’t expect that life will change or that daily life will not come with ups and downs. The “noticing” of what is present in the moment is increasing. However, sometimes I get caught in the story and feel upset. Not for a long time though; the recovery is getting quicker and sometimes, the inner dialog ends with a “smile in my heart”. Thank you for showing up in my life. You are a gift to me and to the world. Love
— It was interesting having a Deep Looking session with Ilona. The inquiry is not invasive, and for me, it was an opportunity to see the story differently. I have investigated the same story many times over the years, but this time without the stickiness of the “I”. It was a lovely gentle exploration into seeing what is, as opposed to the story. The story still remains, however, my point of view has changed from watching the story as a repetitive monologue to watching with interest to how the story will unfold next – be it the same or different.
— Thank you, Ilona, for the deep looking session. It is amazing how deeply to the right issues it took me. You even have the perfect comforting voice that helps to surrender to the process. It feels safe. It feels like walking hand in hand together a long way to the distant past. Then it is right here and now. All can be changed right here in this moment, letting the past fade away. I am so thankful for the help. It is amazing how one person can help to make a change to the whole life experience. It is priceless. It could be felt that you gave yourself completely into my story and supported me with love the whole time. Really listening and choosing the right words to say. You are a treasure. Love you
— Ilona’s Deep Looking sessions are really worth doing, especially if you feel that you have reached some kind of brick wall, with a loud and unhappy monkey-mind sitting on the top of it shouting about needing to worry or control. Ilona is great. Working very effectively using Skype, she will ask you helpful questions in a very kind way and in an atmosphere of deep respect. The heart succeeds as the mind becomes clearer. A kind of red sunset takes place. And it can go on for days.
— I did a lot of Deep Looking after gating. I found it a really valuable method which brought about a lot of information, love and compassion. It broadened heart and perspectives. The one time you guided me, I remember, left me 11 hours!! sleeping afterward. Like a baby. A precious gift! It brought me so much understanding and self-love, and such beautiful images and connections with the child characters I encountered. I truly feel it enriched my experience and being and the ability to connect to people and surroundings on a childlike pure level of no expectations, no judgment, full of sincere, uncensored joy and wonder. And I feel no shame of that, no shame for such beauty!
— An unexpected gift from Ilona! That hour and a half of communion opened up immeasurable depths in me. I was a little confused, and Ilona very easily, joyfully and simply brought me back to myself. It was an indescribable feeling of being at ease, deep emotion and strong insights that brought me to the state of noticing the here and now. It felt like inner freedom opened up and unleashed itself from desire to define myself, to fit into description, to limit myself to the truths and rules of others. There is such freedom in my heart to feel abundance and completeness, freedom to feel everything. There is a recognition that everything is already given and we experience life as it is through ourselves and others. Thank you, Ilona. I am so grateful we met.
— There is deep joy of being after a session with you, dear Ilona. Peace and reality. Thank you for supporting me on the journey to depths of experience. I feel one more illusion has melted away. You helped me to see the unseen, I feel attention has freed itself from one more limitation. I am grateful to you, thank you for being!
— In our individual session, Ilona was kind and loving. I felt her interest and care as she gently guided me through the process of a dialogue with my mind and heart. She offers a process of deep healing!
The individual sessions with Ilona were a very helpful, personalized opportunity to dive into resistance and aversion. Her guidance enabled a shift to a greater presence of allowing, accepting and welcoming in this wild ride with the mind. I’m deeply grateful for her patience, wisdom, humbleness and humour.
— Right away I felt a resonance with Ilona's gaze, it was so open and compassionate with a light smile on her face. And what she says does not create tension, although we talked about new ways of understanding things. Everything became clear, and so clear, that I can not understand how I could be asleep till now. I am very grateful and happy that such people exist and that I meet them. My heart is at peace and is radiating abundance into my whole body, home, world. And I feel playfulness in all that, which makes a cloudy day sunny.
— I received a session with Ilona as a gift during the abundance experiment project. I am very happy with this conversation. After the meeting, I feel that I got back inner balance and a sense of fulfillment. I enjoy watching the world, experiences and feelings. Sometimes I get sucked into a twister of everyday stuff and I don’t notice how I fall into a mind jungle. And then I am stuck there... Unnoticeably you try to control life and give in to the belief that you have to do something. That’s how tension arises. I don’t want to force and waste energy. Ilona exploded the bubble of illusion and brought me back to my own felt truth, that I do not need to do anything. Everything is already here. These confirmations and reminders are precious to me. They bring me back to inner stillness, joy and the very essence of being. Letting life flow as it flows means trusting it and being free. Ilona, thank you for helping me to come back to the essence of being. I wish you success and I hope we meet again. Warmly,
— Thank you, Ilona. Truth sets us free! I loved inquiry sessions. The depth is reached so gently and kindly and it’s so profound. All attention is directed to the essence comfortably and warmly. The tears are unavoidable, but the way I feel after a session is great. I am encouraging all seekers, who are feeling anxiety and negative feelings while not finding answers to core life questions. Ilona really helps to find your own answers, and that brings total relaxation. Warmly.
— I had a few sessions with Ilona and each time there were discoveries. After our meetings there is more peace, inner joy and positivity, and the mind is much calmer. It is difficult to express it all, even tiredness feels different - it has a flavour of love and positivity. Before my last session it was difficult to feel the chest and heart area, it used to be so heavy, as if a lid was on it. Now I go in these zones with ease, and there is love there, joy and gratitude. Thank you Ilona.
— I had a deep looking session with Ilona over Skype and found it useful in untying some of the knots and the stickiness that was happening due to the unfolding and dissolving of this separate self. Her very gentle and compassionate approach was exactly what was needed to allow the conditioning to begin to surface and be accepted and surrendered to. As a psychotherapist myself, I see a lot of spiritual bypassing in the non dual community and it is wonderfully welcomed when Ilona and others take time to help the separate self in the way it needs before it is let go of. I recommend her highly.
— I recently experienced being overwhelmed and powerless in the face of extremely unpleasant thoughts and feelings that had been triggered by an uncomfortable social situation. Although the situation had happened that day, the thoughts and feelings were familiar responses to lots of similar past situations. I told Ilona about this as it was still happening and she suggested that I was resisting feeling certain emotions and offered to do a deep looking session with me. I immediately accepted this offer and we did the session the next day. It took an hour and the work was indeed, very deep, yet not difficult. Being with her felt so safe that I found myself easily going into very vulnerable feelings and answering very personal questions directed to my mind, my heart, and my little girl memories. She gently guided me through tender yet powerful healing actions. I was so immersed in the process that it seemed that only fifteen or twenty minutes had passed when we were finished, yet it actually had been an hour. At the end, there was no doubt that a huge shift had occurred – that there had been a healing and my heart had opened and expanded. I have felt more relaxed and at peace ever since.
— Dear Ilona, After the first session, I understood that you are the teacher I was looking for. I was looking for something and I did not know what that was, I was feeling sad and did not know why I was crying and did not understand tears. You have shown me the way through feelings, sensations, tears to this that is unfolding here now. Every moment in life is that which we are looking for and wants to be seen, experienced, embraced. Thank you for your sincere and kind look, for your words and stillness— in which truth and love have unfolded. With love.
— I started a process with Ilona that led to awakening within only a couple of months, and continued for over a year even after that, as her support during deep looking sessions was extremely valuable. She creates a safe space for you to be able to go deep within yourself and explore, and she provides clear and effective guidance while you do. I am forever grateful to have had Ilona as my guide on the spiritual path and could not think of a better one.
— Thanks for your session on Skype - since then everything went on so beautifully. I continued reading your book and beliefs/concepts just keep falling away. I get a feeling of something, I look at it, ask who’s getting of this/who are you protecting/what info you can tell (me) etc. And there comes very deep inner release that there was nothing there, this belief was not true at all.