Information about Events

Monthly Deep Looking Group Events


We are all searching for something, and in that search, we usually feel alone and isolated. We are desperate to find the truth, to wake up, to be enlightened, maybe we have heard about it or experienced something similar. Unfortunately, the experience faded and, knowing its taste, you want to go back, where it is calm, where the flow is, where the mind is not distracted and everything feels as it should be – freely, easily, naturally.

The seeker’s biggest problem is not knowing how to stop searching. The more you search, the further you are from peace, the more tension and suffering you feel.

Satsang is an invitation to stop. Just to stop and look deeply into what is already here and now. What is always here, what is real, what is in the reality of this moment. Being in a group of people makes it easier to observe and stay focused, and different perspectives allow us to look at things that are common to us from a different angle.

The main question is how to look and how to stay focused – with my guidance and support you will succeed. You will finally see and recognize your natural state and it will become your EXPERIENCE.

Meetings are on Zoom from 6 pm to 8 pm Mauritius time (UTC+4)
– January 7th, 2024
– February 4th, 2024
– March 3rd, 2024
– April 7th, 2024
– May 5th, 2024
– June 2nd, 2024
– July 7th, 2024
– August 4th, 2024
– September 8th, 2024
– October 6th, 2024
– November 3rd, 2024
– December 8th, 2024

Everyone is welcome!

The event is on Zoom. For the best experience have phones with a microphone and have some space for yourself without disturbances.

To participate in the meetings, send a request to:

You will receive an e-mail confirming your participation and a link to join.

Donation – an amount based on your estimation, willingness, and ability you can donate by PayPal here.

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From Seeking To Seeing

Sunday, January 28, 2024 @ 8:00am -10:00am PST

Seeking is a powerful energy that is looking for something. It seems that someone else has what I want, or that if I achieve this or that I will be happy. It shows up in many forms and it is directed outwards, to the world, to the future, away from what is.

In this event we will look at the seeking energy, we will recognise what is going on and how it plays out and as we turn attention inwards — something is found. A shift from seeking for to seeing what is already here happens. And what is already here can be met fully, openly, kindly and with respect.
Seeking to know your true nature and trying to understand resolves as beingness and openness is recognised.

And here we rest and allow what needs to be seen to reveal itself, and everything comes back to peace.

What you are looking for is already here.

To register go to this page


the enlightenement Summit

17-19th of January 2024


This event is an online gathering of female experts in enlightenment and a unique curation of the practical pathways to your enlightenment – all designed to reveal your aligned expression, and you can join us for FREE.

It’s all taking place inside a private online Summit Community Space, where not only do you get to be part of the Summit and hang out with other attendees. You also get to meet the speakers and ask them questions direct. 

From breathwork to inquiry, to energy work, guided visualisations, trauma release, sound and movement, this Summit is packed full of wisdom, insights and practical tools and techniques designed to meet and include the resistance in your system – so that your aligned expression is naturally revealed.



The Integrated Awakening Conference: Living the Nondual Understanding,

September 17 -19, 2021

I’ll be sharing about Deep Looking: a simple way to Inner Peace on Saturday September 18th at 5:00 —6:30 pm EET ( 10:00 — 11:30 am ET) Check out the Conference site for more info and to register. There will be many amazing teachers sharing about integration after the initial awakening, which is such an important topic to explore.

Here’s the link.

Nothing FM Monthly Live Show

Starting on the 6th of January every first Wednesday of a month till 7th of July there were live events on Nothing FM.

You can watch the recordings on Youtube

Past Events

I have held over 40 meetings in the United Kingdom between 2012 and 2017. Every meeting was unique, with different questions asked, and different people coming. All meetings are recorded. Have a  listen to podcasts of the Liberation Unleashed website. The meetings were four hours long including an hour break for tea.

I have also had many Deep Looking events online, which were not recorded and kept private. You can check if there is a group meeting coming up on Facebook or Meeting Truth website.

Find your natural state of being and live at peace with what is.