Awakening Now Podcast and Interviews

Interview with Dr Julie Krull

Go here to listen to the recording

On the leading edge of personal, social and global transformation, The Dr. Julie Show: All Things Connected, is making connections that inspire and accelerate our individual and collective awakening. Each week, Dr. Julie is joined by visionary leaders and change makers from around the world, to explore social change, the generative power of conscious, co-creative practice, and what’s emergent with health, science, spirituality, and the evolution of consciousness. Break through the illusion of separation; explore the infinite field of possibility; and find beautiful beginnings where endings leave off.

Interview for MysticMag

In the labyrinth of life’s uncertainties, Ilona Ciunaite emerges as a beacon of illumination, guiding seekers towards the shores of recognition, clarity, and ease. Fondly referred to as the “Oily Witch” by those who have traversed the depths of self-discovery alongside her, Ilona’s journey from confusion to profound realization is a testament to the transformative power of inner exploration. Driven by an insatiable longing to return to that sacred space of inner peace, Ilona embarked on a relentless quest for truth and understanding. For eight years, she traversed the landscape of spiritual inquiry, seeking solace in sound healing, crystals, and the wisdom of ancient texts, all while grappling with the existential weight of her own identity. In her seminal book, “Liberation Unleashed,” Ilona distills the essence of her journey, offering seekers a roadmap to navigate the terrain of self-transformation. Through the practice of “Deep Looking,” she invites individuals to explore the depths of their own experience, unraveling the illusions of separateness to reveal the boundless expanse of being. As we journey alongside Ilona, we are beckoned towards the threshold of self-transformation—a realm where the illusion of separateness dissolves, and the boundless expanse of being unfolds before us. It is an invitation for Mystic Mag to embark on a journey of discovery—a journey that transcends the confines of time and space, leading us towards the luminous shores of self-realization.

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Interview with Luchana Uzunova

For Luchana’s Life blog and Bulgarian The Woman Today magazine.

I found Liberation Unleashed by chance, thanks to a friend’s advice. When I opened the forum website and began reading, my first experience was fear. It was a real, genuine fear that something irreversible was on the way. This fear had nothing to do with what I had been experiencing for the last year or two, after embarking on the so-called spiritual path. I am saying it is “so-called”, because in reality there is no path, but you can only see that when you „have walked“ it through. As I was reading, I had the feeling of a pending doom and inevitability. I knew, I just knew, that it was absolutely impossible for life to go on the way it had been going so far.

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The Discarded Compass

John Lynch and Ilona Ciunaite

This interview was recorded in May 2024 for The Discarded Compass show: A podcast about spiritual enquiry and enlightenment. A show for spiritual seekers and those who want to listen to masters talk about the mystery of the spiritual search for enlightenment. Join John Lynch as he deep dives with spiritual masters into the mysteries and pitfalls of the spiritual path.

Watch on Youtube

Listen on a podcast 

The Conscious Perspective

Gary Haskins and Ilona Ciunaite

This interview was recorded in March 2021 for The Conscious Perspective show. Gary Haskins is a YouTuber who makes interviews with various people. The conscious perspective is a view of yourself and the world that takes one to a deeper understanding of the universe we live in. The Conscious Perspective Podcast dives deep into topics such as yogic philosophy, psychedelia, the nature of the self, and anything else to expand our awareness to a new perspective. Some of the top pics discussed: Dissolving ego, what is underneath all concepts, impermanence, beliefs, fear, awakening to the natural state.

Fit For Joy Podcast

Valeria Teles and Ilona Ciunaite: A Message of Freedom

This interview was recorded in July 2020 for Fit for Joy podcast with Valeria Teles. In this project, Valeria promotes and features non-fiction authors, writers, and professionals in the well-being business: spiritual teachers, therapists, healers, psychoanalysts, life coaches, priests, monks, nutritionists, personal trainers among others. This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life to the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.

Liberation Unleashes Interviews With Guides

Luchana Uzunova and Ilona Ciunaite

This interview was recorded in November 2020 for Liberation Unleashed.

The Healing Journey with Chris Grosso 

Episode 24: Ilona Ciunaite

Published on 18 Oct 2016

In this episode of The Healing Journey Web Series, Ilona Ciunaite and I discuss an awakening experience she had in 2002 in which she experienced silence of the thinking mind, a sweet sense of being, contentment, peace,” and feeling at home; what Ilona’s spiritual path consisted of for the following eight years after her initial awakening experience; the impact that Jed McKenna’s books have had on both of our lives, including catapulting us “out of hypnosis” and toward the realization that all we believed was not true; the formation of the Liberation Unleashed website and the free guiding service they offer; “The I Virus,” what that is, its symptoms and who has it, as well as its antidote; a short practice to help us experience the personal and impersonal nature of everyday experience in relation to “I”; effortlessness in relation to looking and seeing truth; fear as one of the two major obstacles that stands in the way of seeing the truth and a practice to help work with it; expectations on the spiritual path as the second big obstacle that obstructs seeing truth; the powerful practice of saying “yes” to what’s in front of us in the moment and much more.

Ilona Ciunaite and Elena Nezhinsky – Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

Published on 22 Aug 2012

Ilona Ciunaite and Elena Nezhinsky are the founders of Liberation Unleashed, an international network of people dedicated to guiding people to awakening from the illusion of separation. Ilona and Elena met in London, which started the wave of guiding people through the gateless gate. Utilising the skills of other members of the LU group, they published a book called Gateless Gatecrashers, which is a great resource for those who are still seeking to end the spiritual search.

Liberation Unleashed is a rapidly expanding, international project that brings seekers together with those who have awakened and are dedicated to guiding or simply share experiences in a community that is based on honesty and love. There is no greater joy than bringing joy to other hearts and celebrating the gift of freedom.

Interview with the Wizard, John Troy

John Troy writes: “Ilona, you were one of the most authentic guests we have had on Conversations with Avant-garde Sages. Fresh, clear, innocence, sentience and immediate without all the mental clutter. Thank you for sharing with our audience. It was our privilege.”

To listen to the radio show go here 

Feel the sense of being,
rest in the open spaciousness of presence.